2014年8月31日 星期日

那些電影教我的事 - Lessons from Movies(四)

The life you've always dreamed about having is always hiding behind the changes you don't want to make.
- 白日夢冒險王 (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty), 2013 

You can never understand fate; it parts us in a blink, yet reunites us as we turn.
- 美國情緣 (Serendipity), 2001

A real loser is someone who failed to even try.
- 小太陽的願望 (Little Miss Sunshine), 2006 

The biggest challenges in life have always been to fight for our future, and to face our past.
- 迴路殺手 (Looper), 2012

 "The only person standing in your way is you."
- 黑天鵝 (Black Swan), 2010

Fate is not chance, but choice; you can't wait on fate, you have to fight for it.
- 命運規劃局 (The Adjustment Bureau), 2011

Friendship is built on two things: respect and trust.
- 猩球崛起 (Rise of the Planet of the Apes), 2011 

We tend to shout when we are fighting; that's because our hearts drift far away apart when we are mad at each other.
- 勇敢傳說 (Brave), 2012

Sometimes the only way to spot your own mistakes is through the eyes of another.
- 窈窕奶爸 (Mrs. Doubtfire), 1993

Losers watch it happen; winners make it happen.
- 星際異攻隊 (Guardians of the Galaxy), 2014 

Most people believe in what they see; so if you want them to believe, show them.
- 出神入化 (Now You See Me), 2013

You can't have all you want, but you can give it all you've got.
- 阿甘正傳 (Forrest Gump), 1994

No one is wise in his own affairs.
- 男女生了沒 (The Ugly Truth), 2009 

Ability determines what you can do; motivation determines what you will do; attitude determines the results of what you do.
- 黑暗騎士:黎明升起 (The Dark Knight Rises), 2012 

In this reckless world of ours, being indifferent is much easier than standing up for what's right. And so we become silent.
- 毒粉風暴 (Heli), 2013

Sometimes all a girl wants is for you to make her feel that you want this relationship more than she does. 
- 同床異夢 (The Break-Up), 2006

You can't force love; whether to, or not to.
- 愛.重來 (The Vow), 2012 

These boring stuff are the stuff I remember the most, because you were by my side.
- 天外奇蹟 (Up), 2009

My deepest fear is not godly opponents, but idiotic teammates.
- 官賤對決 (The Campaign), 2012

People are like songs; the melody is what's on the outside, and the lyrics is what's underneath. It's the combination of the two that makes it magical.
- K歌情人 (Music and Lyrics), 2007 

 "In your life you only get to do so many things and right now we’ve chosen to do this, so let’s make it great."  - 賈伯斯 (jOBS), 2013

The worst feeling of all is having to doubt what you believed so firmly before.
- 楚門的世界 (The Truman Show), 1998 

If you're talking about me behind my back, it only means that my life is obviously more interesting than yours.  - 壁花男孩 (The Perks of Being a Wallflower), 2011 

To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the whole world.
- 玩具總動員 2 (Toy Story 2), 1999

Spend life with the one makes you happy, not whom you have to impress.
- 傲慢與偏見 (Pride and Prejudice), 2005 

Even if we're just a matchstick, we can still spark and ignite at the most critical moment.
- 第五元素 (The Fifth Element), 1997 

You don't make the same mistake twice; the first time is a mistake, the second time is your choice. 
- 機密真相 (Flight), 2012

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.
- 無敵破壞王 (Wreck-It Ralph), 2012 

Life is a multiple-choice question; often what confuses you is not the question itself, but the options available. - 貧民百萬富翁 (Slumdog Millionaire), 2008 

Instead of asking why others keep hurting you, you should be asking why you keep allowing them to do so. - - 壁花男孩 (The Perks of Being a Wallflower), 2012 

"People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it." - - 當幸福來敲門 (The Pursuit of Happyness), 2006 

What's important in education is not what was taught, but what was learned.
- 搖滾教室 (The School of Rock), 2003 

The highest form of love, is to die for your loved ones, and to live well for them. 
- 鐵達尼號 (Titanic), 1997

The sad thing about betrayal is that it never comes from an enemy.
- 追殺比爾 (Kill Bill), 2003

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.
-Nora Roberts 托斯卡尼豔陽下 (Under the Tuscan Sun), 2003 

Whatever happens tomorrow, we've had today.
- 真愛挑日子 (One Day), 2011

Two reasons why people want to change: either they have learned too much, or they have suffered enough. - - 蝴蝶效應 (The Butterfly Effect), 2004

I may not be able to make the rain stop, but I'll always walk with you until it does.
- 午夜巴黎 (Midnight in Paris), 2011

What you lack in confidence, make up in hard work.
- 怪獸大學 (Monsters University), 2013 

When you have already won the heart, there's no need to win every argument.
- 手札情緣 (The Notebook), 2004

You're not alone; someone is working very hard trying to reach you.
- 跳越時空的情書 (The Lake House), 2006

When you are sad and in pain, treat yourself as others; when others are miserable and unfortunate, treat others as yourself.
- 悲慘世界 (Les Miserables), 2012

Live and cherish everyday as if it's the final day of your extraordinary, ordinary life. There's no need to change anything, for you'd have no regret.
- 真愛每一天 (About Time), 2013 

If you work when others work, rest when others rest, play when others play, then you'll get what others get. If you want more, do more.
- 當幸福來敲門 (The Pursuit of Happyness), 2006

Life is a grand performance; if you want an ovation, get on the stage first.
- 楚門的世界 (The Truman Show), 1998

In the game of life, it's not how good the cards are in your hands, it's how well you play them.
- 決勝21點 (21), 2008

If you don't set out on your journey, you'd never know what's ahead.
- 哈比人:荒谷惡龍 (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug), 2013 

The one who likes you wants your present; the one who loves you, offers you a future.
- 真愛每一天 (About Time), 2013

If we succeed, the results will be beautiful; if not, the memory will be.
- 鋼的琴 (The Piano in a Factory), 2011 

 "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
- 蹺課天才 (Ferris Bueller's Day Off), 1986

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.
- Judy Garland 女郎我最兔 (The House Bunny), 2008

If you ask God for help, it means you trust Him; if God doesn't answer, it means he trusts you.
- 王牌天神 (Bruce Almighty), 2003

It's sad for many to find out, that the most unfamiliar person of all, is the self whom they've spent the longest time with.
- 心的方向 (About Schmidt), 2002

Keep walking on the path you've chosen, and one day, it will lead to somewhere. 
世界第一麥方 (27℃-Loaf Rocks), 2013

Living is never something you do for yourself.
- 霍元甲 (Fearless), 2006

Many moments are only cherished when they've become memories.
- 命運好好玩 (Click), 2006

